Subscription-based consulting services from Balagan improve on the traditional pay-for-service model by providing clients with an initial review and an ongoing, permanent expert in their corner to help with every day and extraordinary circumstances.
Equipment owners, engineers, property managers, and Association Directors can’t always immediately recognize every instance where our team can add value and reduce cost. Our ongoing, one-price approach ensures we are involved in every aspect of your elevator equipment relationships so we can help identify and help solve the problems you know about as well as the ones you might otherwise miss.
In the absence of expert oversight, elevator service and repair contractors may be motivated to pass maximum cost on to their customers - frequently exploiting lack of equipment expertise and the urgent nature of problems or shutdowns to maximize profit. Balagan ensures an ongoing relationship that is fair, safe and effective for everyone.
With Balagan on your team, you have real-time access to experts who will help you quickly understand contractual language, charges, proposals, recommendations, rates and more.
Our principal consultants average more than 20 years’ experience in the industry and are well known to many providers. With Balagan watching, your service provider will expect to have their contracts, proposals, charges and actions reviewed by an expert. Our customers find that a Balagan relationship can quickly pay for itself many times over.
2645 Executive Park Drive. Weston, FL. 33331
[email protected]
Subscription based elevator consulting provides peace of mind and expert services that ensure transparency and value.